Cosmetic Industry News
Cosmetic Industry News

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More Concerns with Sunscreens and Hand Sanitizers - This Time It's Benzene
Cosmetic Packaging Insider has previously reported on safety concerns with both sunscreens and hand sanitizers. Unfortunately, both product categories are under the spotlight again. The issue this time? The known carcinogen benzene.
How Will SARS COV-2 Coronavirus Affect the Future of the Beauty and Cosmetics Industry?
There is no doubt that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, will have a lasting effect on global business for the foreseeable future. Not a single industry has remained untouched by this virus.
FDA Hand Sanitizer: What You Need to Know
In recent months, as cases of COVID-19 raged across the globe, many consumer products saw increased demand. Driven by worries of supply shortages, business closures, and travel restrictions, many shoppers faced long lines and empty shelves. One of the items that flew off the shelves, and could not be kept in stock, was alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging – The Pros and Cons of Sustainability
Consumers are putting pressure on companies to be more sustainable, and it is not just millennials. In a recent survey, over 60% of consumers over the age of 50 identified as being environmentally aware, and many stated that sustainable packaging factors into product buying decisions.
The Affect of the New Tariff Laws
As most people know, President Trump has increased U.S. Tariffs on 200 billion dollars of Chinese goods from 10% to 25%. This tariff impacts roughly half of all Chinese exports to the U.S. But how do these laws specifically affect the cosmetic industry?
The Benefits of Airless Technology
Cosmetics have been used by cultures around the world for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all used cosmetics to enhance beauty, and to protect the skin and fight signs of aging.

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