Frequently Asked Questions and Expert Insight
Frequently Asked Questions & Expert Insight

Your online cosmetic and personal care product packaging resource!

Check out our latest news, product reviews, and expert tips so you stay up to date with what is going on in the industry!

Product Safety - Should We Trust But Verify?
Consumers are increasingly concerned about potentially toxic ingredients in their cosmetics and personal care products. Product safety is a top priority as new research provides insight that some product ingredients long thought to be safe, can have detrimental health effects. Consumers have also come to the realization that they need to be proactive in their quest for safe products, as the assumption that the brand company will look out for their best interests is not always justified.
Is Your Product a Cosmetic or a Drug?
As far as The FDA is concerned it could be both! Each year the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues numerous warning letters to cosmetics manufacturers, and denies entry into the U.S. to hundreds of cosmetics and personal care products from other countries. The reason? Misbranding – making statements or claims about the product that is consistent with the FDA definition of a drug.
How To Choose The Right Packaging
So, you perfected your product formula, produced it in small batches for family and friends to try, and the glowing reviews keep coming. You are ready to take your product to market. What’s the next step?

Your online cosmetic and personal care product packaging resource!

Check out our latest news, product reviews, and expert tips so you stay up to date with what is going on in the industry!