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The Science of Personal Care

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Check out our latest news, product reviews, and expert tips so you stay up to date with what is going on in the industry!

Beauty Nutrition A to Z – Vitamin B1
We continue our multi-part series on important nutritional components that are essential for good health and lasting beauty. Next up, the first of the B vitamins, B1, also known as thiamin.
Beauty Nutrition A to Z – Vitamin A
In this multi-part series we will explore important nutritional components that are essential for good health and lasting beauty. First up, Vitamin A.
Tainted Cosmetics – A Growing Concern
In July of this year, a 47-year-old woman from Sacramento was rushed to the emergency room by family members, after she experienced numbness and tingling in her hands, slurred speech, and difficulty walking. Shortly after being admitted to the hospital, she became non-responsive and lapsed into a semi-comatose state. Was it a stroke? A heart attack?
Sunscreen Concerns - Do they actually cause cancer rather than prevent it?
While there is no question that excessive sun exposure can damage skin and increase cancer risk, there is a question as to whether the ingredients in some sunscreens pose a health risk including causing cancer. In addition, some experts believe that excessive sunscreen usage is partly to blame for an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency.
Cannabidiol - Miracle cure or wishful thinking?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is all the rage, with claims that it can treat everything from hangnails to cancer. It can be found in everything from creams and lotions, to foods and pet treats. What is driving its incredible popularity and does it really live up to the hype?
Skin Care Is Important To Men Too!
Proper skin care is not only important to women these days. Many men are giving up the outdated notion that skin care is a “lady thing”, and it is about time.

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