roper skin care is not only important to women these days. Many men are giving up the outdated notion that skin care is a “lady thing”, and it is about time. Men typically have thicker skin, and more collagen and elastin, than women, so the signs of aging often appear later in men than women. However, men, through their jobs and outdoor activities, can have greater exposure to the elements which can result in damaged skin and premature aging. Men are also more often smokers, which can have a damaging effect on the skin as well. All things considered, men need to pay attention to their skin health just as much as women.
In future articles on the science of skin care, we will go in depth on strategies and products both men and women can use to ensure healthier, more vibrant skin. For now, here are six things men (and women) can do to improve their skin health and maintain a more youthful appearance:
Up to 65% of the human body is composed of water and we need a constant supply to keep our tissues, including the skin, healthy. Unless one has a medical condition that restricts fluid intake, it is important to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, even more in the hot summer months or during periods of heavy exercise. While other beverages can help make up your overall fluid intake, keep in mind that alcoholic and caffeinated beverages can have a dehydrating effect.
While staying well hydrated protects the skin from the inside out, a good topical moisturizer helps protect the skin’s surface. You should select a moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, a water-based moisturizer would be best. Sun protection is critical to maintaining young looking skin and preventing skin cancer. In recent years, questions have been raised about sunscreen safety. Sunscreens fall into two basic categories – physical blockers and chemical absorbers. Physical blockers reflect UV rays and typically contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Chemical absorbers do just that - they absorb UV radiation. Some experts feel that physical blockers are safer, but others disagree. You can always consult with your family physician or dermatologist for the best choice for you. Wearing a large brimmed hat and UV protective clothing, as well as avoiding the sun midday for extended periods and seeking shade when possible, are also great ways to protect yourself from excess UV exposure. It is important to emphasize that we are talking about protecting against excess UV exposure. Vitamin D (which is actually a hormone) is produced naturally when UVB radiation from the sun interacts with our skin. While vitamin D can be obtained from supplements and fortified foods, a little unprotected sun exposure is not dangerous for most people, and may actually provide health benefits beyond vitamin D production. Bottom line - a little sun is OK, but after that, cover up or apply an appropriate sunscreen. Eat Right
It has long been known that a healthy diet is a necessary component to overall good health and vitality, and when it comes to healthy skin, proper nutrition is critical. A balanced diet that supplies adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients is key. Avoid fad diets and any diet that restricts a certain nutrient. For example, very low-fat diets can deprive you of essential fatty acids that are essential for healthy skin, and high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets can cause deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. The best strategy is to eat a wide variety of natural foods including fresh fruits (especially berries), dark green and deep yellow/orange vegetables, protein from lean meats and beans, and healthy fats from cold-water fish (wild salmon and sardines), raw nuts and seeds, and avocados. For an added antioxidant and phytonutrient boost, don’t forget herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, oregano and cumin. What about supplements? For most people, it is best to get your nutrients from foods. While some people may benefit from supplements, recent studies have shown that more is not always better. Many vitamins and minerals that are necessary in small amounts can be dangerous in mega doses found in some supplements. If you have questions or concerns about which supplements are appropriate for you, it is always best to check with your doctor.Don't Smoke
Smoking can have deleterious effects on every organ system in the body, including the skin. People who smoke tend to look older and have more wrinkles. Toxins in cigarette smoke constrict blood vessels supplying nutrients to the skin and damage collagen and elastin, the fibrous components of skin that provide strength and elasticity. Damage to these components causes the wrinkled, saggy skin typically seen in long-time, heavy smokers.Relax
As with smoking, chronic stress can negatively affect every organ system in the body. While intermittent bouts of stress are normal and have little effect on your body, chronic stress can increase inflammation and interfere with the function of your immune system. This can lead to slower healing of skin damage, premature aging, and even acne. Getting plenty of sleep (7-8 hours per night is ideal), regular moderate exercise, and even yoga or meditation, are great ways to reduce the effects of stress and keep your skin healthy.Get It Checked
Excessive sun exposure, including sunburns as a child, can increase your risk of skin cancer. Even people who have had little sun exposure, or do everything right when it comes to sun protection, can develop skin cancer due to genetic predisposition. Many guys are hesitant to go to the doctor for any reason, and certainly, regular skin checks are not on most guy’s list of things to do. The fact remains that, while even the most deadly type of skin cancer, melanoma, can be cured if caught early, many people wait until after symptoms appear, and cancer has spread, before getting checked out. Don’t let that happen to you. Get regular skin checks from your primary care physician or dermatologist, and if you notice any unusual skin changes get in to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Following these recommendations can help men maintain a more attractive and youthful appearance. While aging is inevitable for us all, taking care of our skin allows us to look our best at any age. And remember, it is never too late to make positive changes to improve the health and look of your skin! 
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